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A Presentation of the Gospel
Below are recordings that together offer a fairly simple presentation of the Gospel,
that is, the Good News about the incredible things God has done for us in Jesus Christ in order to rescue us--and everything else as well.
The Gospel is a big story. No one way of telling it can say the whole thing,
no one formula can capture everything Jesus has done for us.
The Gospel is a great house, so big that you can spend the rest of your life exploring it.
But know that there's a special place in this house for you.
These sermons and talks touch on the highlights,
especially Jesus's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension.
They were originally given at Camp Hardtner to middle-school campers,
so they're meant to be accessible.
My prayer is that these recordings help you to learn the story of the great things Jesus did to find us and bring us home into the love of his Father,
and that you discover along the way that Jesus's story is our story,
of who the Lord has made us to be and what he has in store.